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Our staff is always ready to advise you on the latest technical innovations to your accessibility as efficient and safe as possible.

Since the introduction of the new standards for automatic doors, much has been changed and it is important that you are well informed about the latest requirements.

EN 16005 and NEN-EN 16361 standard for automatic doors
As from 10 April 2013 the EN 16005 has entered into power and contains regulations of the standards and the safety regulations for the use of automatic doors of persons, exit routes and for automatic (fire) air and wind-resistant doors.

In October 2013 the NEN_EN 16361 standard is published on what are the new demands concerning the air permeability, water resistance and wind load of automatic doors.

Our specialists will be happy to advise you on the automatic door montage possibilities. We always base our advice on your specific situation and our goal is to satisfy your needs.


About Chameo

Chameo develops, delivers and installs intelligent solutions for access technology. Our aim is to ensure that everyone can use our access technology and eliminate the need for creating special entrances for people with disabilities.



"We apply the automatic doors of Chameo in the computer rooms and data centers that we offer to our clients. Chameo has for many years been a partner on which we can count. Not only the products that Chameo delivers, are of high quality but also their service."

Ronald Kok, CEO All IT Rooms

”My experiences with Chameo are really good. The company is very open, you will feel welcome and the communication between customer and advisor is very open. On top of that, people will think along for the best solution for your problem.”

Jan Ruitenberg, CareResorts Thailand